General Division for the United States

General Director


Date of birth:

He graduated as :

Further education:




Deputy General Director








Name: Johana Ruth Tablada de la Torre

Date of birth: 1 June 1969

She graduated as Bachelor of International Political Relations from the Raúl Roa García Higher Institute of International Relations. 

Further education: Postgraduate courses on the World Trade Organization and the Multilateral Trade System, the Political System of the US, and Cuba-US relations; Course on Strategic Management; Course on History of the Latin America-US Relations; Advanced Course on French Language

Languages: English and French


1993-1994:      Assistant Specialist at the Europe Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MINREX, by its Spanish initials). 

1995-1996:      Specialist at the Europe Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 

1996-1998:      Third Secretary, Interest Section of Cuba in Washington. 

1998-2000:      Second Secretary, Interest Section of Cuba in Washington. 

2000-2004:      Head of the Analysis Group at the North America Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

2004-2008:      Counsellor of the Embassy of Cuba in Belize. 

2008-2013:      Deputy Director of the North America Division and the US Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

2013-2017:      Ambassador of Cuba in Portugal.

2017-present:  Ambassador. Deputy Director General, General Division for the United States, MINREX.

She has headed and been part of official delegations in international and bilateral talks, visits, negotiations and events.

Phone Number: 7 836 4256
X’s account: @JohanaTablada



Karin Diez B'Hammel
Phone Number: 7 836 4183

Teléfono: 7 836 4373


María Caridad Núñez Cabeza
Phone Number 7 836 4256





Full name: Inés Fors Fernández 

Date of birth: 24/01/1962

Education: Bachelor of Internal Economic Relations

Additional education: Postgraduate course in the international area of the Banco Nacional, Postgraduate courses on international economic relations, Specialization Course in Finance, Course of Strategic Management, Advanced Computing Course, Postgraduate course: Basics of World Economy.

Foreign Language Skills: English and French

Career history:

1986-1988:   Internationalist Mission to the People’s Republic of Angola

1989-1993:   Full Professor of the Institute of Foreign Trade

1993-1995:   Student of the National Autonomous University of Mexico

1995-1996:   Full Professor of the Institute of Foreign Trade

1996-2000:   Director of ACITED

2000-2003:   Specialist (I) at the Division of Latin America and the Caribbean, MINREX

2003-2007:    First Secretary at the Cuban Interest Section in Washington

2007-2008:    First Secretary at the Division of North America, MINREX

2008-2009:    Senior Specialist, Rank: Counselor at the Deputy Minister´s Office in charge of DAM and DACCRE Divisions, MINREX

2009-2014:    Ambassador, at the Embassy of Cuba to Gambia

2014-2017:    First Secretary, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

2017-2021:    Ambassador, at the Embassy of Cuba to Jamaica

2021- today:  Director of the Division of Bilateral Affairs, DGEEUU, MINREX

Phone Number: 7 836 4257 
X’s account: @InesForsFdez


Phone Number: 7 832 6948

Legal Affairs and Analysis Department



Full name:       DSc. Rodney A. González Maestrey

Date of birth:    September 16, 1980

Education:        Bachelor of Science in Economics, 2005.

Other studies:

Master’s Degree in International Relations, Higher Institute of International relations “Raúl Roa García” (2011).

DSc in Political Sciences, University of Havana (2021).

Languages: English and French

Professional career:

2008-2011:         Diplomatic attaché at the North America Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

2011-2014:         Third Secretary at the Cuban Interest Section in Washington.

2014-2018:         First Secretary at the United States General Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

2018-2022:         Counsellor at the Cuban embassy in Washington.

2023:                   Minister-Counsellor, Director of Legal Affairs and Analysis, United States General Division at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

He was elected ‘Official with Outstanding Performance’ in the years 2009 and 2017.

Phone Number: 7 832 5178


X’s account: 


Department of Political and Economic Affairs


Head of Department

Name: Manlio Hernández Carbonell

Date of birth: 


Additional education

Foreign Language Skills

Career history:


Phone Number: 7 836 4525