Division of Multilateral Affairs And International Law

Director General


Full name: Rodolfo Eliseo Benítez Verson

Date of birth: 03/11/1968

Education: Bachelor of International Relations

Foreign Language Skills: English and French

Additional education: 

1994: Certificate of the Training Course of Experts on the Chemical Weapons Convention, Defense College, The Hague, The Netherlands.

1995: Certificate of the Training Course of Experts on Disarmament and International Security of the United Nations Scholarship Programme of Disarmament, with specialized courses in Switzerland, Austria, The Netherlands, Germany, Japan and the United States.

1999: Certificate of Proficiency of the United Nations Program for Advanced English Language, New York.

2004: Higher Studies on Negotiation and Solution of International Conflicts, Institute of International Politics, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

1997- 2017: Several postgraduate courses from the Raúl Roa Higher Institute of International Relations, Havana.

Career history:

1993-1997:    General Assistant of International Relations, Division of Multilateral Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
1997-1997:   Specialist (III),
Division of Multilateral Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
1997-1999:   Second Secretary, Mission of Cuba to the UN, New York, EE.UU.
1999-2003:   First Secretary, Mission of Cuba to the UN, New York, EE.UU.
2003-2004:    First Secretary, Division of Multilateral Affairs. MINREX
2004-2006:    First Secretary, Minister´s Office, MINREX

2006-2009:   Counselor, Cuban Mission to the UN, New York, EE.UU.

2009-2011:    Ambassador, Alternate Permanent Representative, Mission of Cuba to the UN, New York, EE.UU.

2011-2014:    Deputy Director of Multilateral Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

2012-2017:    Head of the Guarantors Team for the Peace Negotiations of Colombia, which concluded with the Peace Agreement signed between the government of Colombia and the guerrilla organization Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and the agreement on the agenda of public negotiations with the National Liberation Army of Colombia (ELN).

2013-2014: Governor for the Republic of Cuba at the Board of Governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria

2014-2017:    Ambassador, Head of Department, Department de Multilateral Political Affairs, MINREX

2017-2021:   Ambassador of the Republic of Cuba to South Africa, Lesotho and Eswatini

2021-   today: Ambassador, Director General, General Division of Multilateral Affairs and International Law, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. National Coordinator of Cuba for the Iberoamerican Conference. Deputy National Coordinator of the Republic of Cuba to the Latin-American and Caribbean States Community.

He was awarded with the Order of San Carlos - Grand Cross by the Colombian government for his role as guarantor in the Colombia peace negotiations.

He has participated as head or member of Cuban official delegations attending several international, bilateral, regional and multilateral meetings and conferences in different countries. He has given lectures on International Relations at Cuban universities and other higher education institutions. He is author of many articles specialized in international matters published in Cuba and other countries.


Phone Number: 7 832 1871 and 7 836 4240

Deputy Director General


Name:  María del Carmen Herrera Caseiro.

Post: Deputy Director General of Multilateral Affairs and International Law of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 

She graduated as Bachelor of International Political Relations from the Raúl Roa García Higher Institute of International Relations in 1989.

Further education:  Postgraduate courses in the Higher Institute of International Relations.  Diploma in Public Administration, Higher School for Government and State Cadres (2018).  Upgrading Courses on International Law, United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNO-UNITAR), The Hague, The Netherlands. Course on International Public Law, The Hague Academy of International Law, The Netherlands. Course on “The New Mechanisms for Dispute Settlement”, International Public Administration Institute (IIAP, by its French initials), Paris, France (2001).  Course on International Humanitarian Law, Center of Studies on International Humanitarian Law, Havana (1999). Course on Lasting Solutions, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Havana (1997).

Languages:  English and French


1989-1990:      Internationalist mission in the People’s Republic of Angola.

1992:               Official, Department of International Relations, National People’s Power Assembly (ANPP, by its Spanish initials).

1991-1995:      Specialist, Subsaharan Africa Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MINREX, by its Spanish initials).

1995-1996:      Second Secretary and Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of Cuba in Nigeria.

1997-2002:      Specialist, Division of Multilateral Affairs, MINREX.

2003-2007:      Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Cuba to the United Nations Office at Geneva and the international organizations based in Switzerland. 

2008-2011:      Deputy Director of Socio-Humanitarian Affairs and Human Rights, Division of Multilateral Affairs, MINREX.

2011-2015:      Ambassador of the Republic of Cuba to New Zealand, Fiji, Samoa, Tonga, Kiribati, Tuvalu and Cook Islands.

2016-2017:      Head of the Department of Economic, Financial and Environmental Affairs, General Division of Multilateral Affairs and International Law, MINREX.

2017-present:  Deputy Director General, General Division of Multilateral Affairs and International Law, MINREX. 

She has represented Cuba in a great number of international events, meetings and conferences, ministerial meetings, summits of the UN, regional processes, and consultative groups for Latin America and the Caribbean, the Non-Aligned Movement, and the Pacific Islands Forum, among others.

She has received several Cuban medals and distinctions.

Phone Number: 7 8321871 y 7 8364240
Email: marychc@minrex.gob.cu
Twitter’s account:@MaryCHerreraC


Giselle Almenares Vargas
Phone Number: 78364240

Division Of Multilateral Political Affairs



Full name: Vilma Thomas Ramírez

Date and place of birth: 17 February 1969

Education: Master`s degree in International Relations (2017). Bachelor of International Political Relations (1992), both degrees from the Raúl Roa García Higher Institute of International Relations (ISRI)

Additional education: French Basic Course, Alliance Française, Cuba (1991). Several courses at ISRI: Analysis and Interpretation of Financial Statements (2006), Course for Officials (2008), International Environmental Law (2011), Political Sociology (2011); Regional Course on Statelessness, Regional Office of UNHCR, Costa Rica (2013); International Course on Social and Labour Policies for Decent Work, International Labour Office, Geneva (2014); 12th Regional Course on International Law of Refugees in Latin America, El Salvador (2014), Training of Trainers on presentation of Reports to the bodies of treaties of the Capacity Building Program of the OHCHR (2017)

Foreign Language Skills: English and French

Career history:

1993-1994   Official at the Division of Sub-Saharan Africa, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

1994-1996   Third Secretary at the Embassy of Cuba to Namibia.

1996-1998   Official at the Division of Sub-Saharan Africa, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

1998-1999     Senior Specialist at the Foreign Deputy Minister´s Office in charge of African and Asian Affairs

2001-2005     First Secretary at the Embassy of Cuba to South Africa

2005-2008    Official of the Division of Multilateral Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in charge of the Non-Aligned Movement

2008-2012    Counselor at the Embassy of Cuba to South Africa.

2012-2017:   Official in charge of Human Rights of the General Division of Multilateral Affairs and International Law of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, rank: Minister-Counselor

2017-2021: Cuban Ambassador to the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and non-resident Ambassador to the Republic of South Sudan

2021-today: Director of Multilateral Political Affairs of the General Division of Multilateral Affairs and International Law of the MINREX

She has been member of several Cuban delegations attending ordinary sessions of the United Nations General Assembly, the International Labour Conferences, Summits and Ministerial Meetings of the Non-Aligned Movement, sessions of the Human Rights Council, Summits of the African Union, dialogues with the European Union and the United States on human rights, among others

Tel.: 7 8364446 & 7 8324424



Division of International Organizations


Ana Silvia

Full name: Ana Silvia Rodríguez Abascal

Date of birth: 06/05/1967

Education: Bachelor of International Economic Relations

Foreign Language Skills: English

Additional education: Postgraduate course on Economic Partnerships, Seminar on Foreign Investment, Consular Course, Accounting Course, Postgraduate course on Analysis and Interpretation of Financial Statements. Course on Tools for the Control and Prevention in the Fight against Corruption: The Cuban Experience.  Course: Introduction to the World Trade Organization. International Seminar: The Global Financial Crisis.

Career history: 

1991-1993    CECE, Economic Collaboration Technician
1993-1994    Diplomatic Attaché, Cuban Mission to the UN
1994-1997    Third Secretary, Embassy of Cuba to the UN
1997-1999    Specialist (A) in Collaboration, DOEI, MINVEC
1999-2005    Economic Counselor, Embassy of Cuba to Granada
2006-2007    Senior Specialist (rank: Counselor), Division of Multilateral Affairs (DAM),  MINREX
2007-2009    Deputy Director, DAM MINREX
2009-2014    Minister-Counselor, Embassy of Cuba to Trinidad and Tobago
2014- 2016   Official MINREX
2016- 2021    Ambassador, Cuban Mission to the UN
2021-   today Director, General Division of Multilateral Affairs and International Law

Phone Number: 7 836 4144
Twitter’s account:

Division of International Law


Eva Yelina

Full name: Eva Yelina Silva Walker

Date of birth: 24/06/1971

Education: Bachelor of Laws

Additional education: Postgraduate courses: General Aspects on the set-up and work of economic partnerships; Tax procedural and administrative law; Tax Law; Foreign Representations in Cuba; Banking, Credits and Money; Tax Systems and Administration Procedures, Intellectual Property; Tax Law; Preparation of Legal Instruments; 18th Course of Tax Institutions and Techniques; Professional Ethics; Strategic Management; Course on Public Finances; 2nd Course on International Audit, Diploma course on Management, Course on Risk Administration.

 Career history:

1994-1995    Defense Attorney, Public Law Firm, Provincial Division of Justice, Havana

1995-1998    Specialist (B) in Legal Affairs at the Ministry of Finance and Prices

1998-2003    Specialist in Financial Legislation at the Ministry of Finance and Prices

2004-2005    Specialist in Financial Legislation (Senior Specialist) at the Ministry of Finance and Prices

2006-2011    Third Secretary, Legal Division, MINREX

2011-2014    Consul (Second) at the Cuban Consulate in Montreal 

2014-2014    Third Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

2014-2016   Legal Adviser at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Phone Number: 7 8364163


Phone Number: 78364166
Email: rpinobminrex.gob.cu